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    To Run a Foul. (Group Mission)


    Posts : 140

    To Run a Foul. (Group Mission) Empty To Run a Foul. (Group Mission)

    Post by Keiji Fri Jul 31, 2020 12:18 pm

    Mission Info:

    It had been a week or more since he had proposed to his love and they had started upon the path laid in front of them now together. The village had deemed it appropriate to send them on an assassination mission together that would involve them infiltrating and discovering the whereabouts of a man named Sato Kimimura, a retired ninja of some importance to Nikkousato, who was located at the lakeside resort of lake Biwan. It was a fanciful place with a multitude of travelers from all walks of life that visited the lake to experience it's beautiful waters and the luxurious resort itself, not to mention the casino that dominated the interior of the resort.

    The village had secured them alias and a room in the honeymoon suite section of the bungalow area of the resort, as they were to masquerade as a recently married couple that had family money and were honeymooning at the popular destination spot. Keiji Tsuyoiito was supposed to be one Hiroyuki Kasuragi and his lovely new bride as Ami Hyūga, was supposed to be Shiori Kasuragi. Hiroyuki comes from the Kasuragi family which had been set up for years as an influential merchant family that was really a cover organization for the moon village. Shiori was to have been the daughter of Jino Naoki of the Naoki sake distillery of Gekkousato. They were to act like they came from money and be lavish about their lifestyle choices for the two weeks that had been assigned here so that they would seem like everyone else, while they waited for their target to show.

    Sato Kimimura was a relatively well built man with string features and salt and pepper hair that was worn in a top knot with slivered bangs framing his face. He always wore traditional clothing and had a penchant for fanciful kimonos or yukata depending on the weather. His most notable feature for them to recognize him by was that his left and right eye were different colors due to heterochromia, with his left eye being blue and his right eye being green. It gave him a very unique look to spot him from a mile away.

    It had been a week already of lounging by the pool and foraging into the lake, casino, and local venues to shop and play house with his fiancee a fact unknown to anyone but the two of them so far. It was serendipitous that the village had sent the two of them on this clandestine operation in the first place. His hair was now a vibrant deep red which contrasted with the blue contacts he was wearing to hide himself better, his hair being shorn in a side faded look with a flop on top that was gaining popularity with men his age now. Lounging by the pool in front of their bungalow, he was laying lazily on the wicker lounge chair under the bungalow awning, a fruity drink of pineapples, coconut rum and mangos on the ground near his right hand so it was still in reach.

    Eyes closed and enjoying the sunlight on his skin he spoke softly to his bride, "Shiori. What would you like to do today my love? I want to try that sushi spot we saw yesterday near the lazy river I think.", this place was massive and they still hadnt seen everything yet, but it was proving to be worth the stay as it was a fantastic experience. Perhaps this is where he would take Ami when it was actually their honeymoon? If his soon to be meeting with her father went as planned....

    WC: 605/2400
    PC: 1/6
    Hyūga Ami
    Hyūga Ami

    Posts : 492
    To Run a Foul. (Group Mission) Webp-net-resizeimage-16

    To Run a Foul. (Group Mission) Empty Re: To Run a Foul. (Group Mission)

    Post by Hyūga Ami Fri Jul 31, 2020 11:54 pm

    To Run a Foul. (Group Mission) XlLiEJU

    Ami would find herself on a couple mission with Keiji, as assigned by their village. It was no secret now that they were a pair, to the point where they were assigned outright to do missions together. This both excited and frightened her, as she had yet to tell her father or the elders of her clan. Of course, it had only been a week since he had proposed to her and already word traveled. She assumed that there simply were no secrets in the village. No matter, she would find herself with an interesting mission this time. The Hyuuga had done this mission many times, a straightforward assassination mission. But this one came with a twist. She was asked by the village to disguise herself, perhaps not wanting to reveal to their target that she was a Gekkousato shinobi. That wasn't too hard to do, especially if it meant just changing her hair and eye colour. Her eyes were first priority though, as anyone with any knowledge of the village would be able to tell she was a member of the Hyuuga clan by simply looking at her eyes.

    Her light green strands were replaced with like pink, her lavender-white eyes were an aquatic blue, thanks to new contacts she had managed to get. As if green was not an exotic enough colour, she thought to herself. Ami would even be given a new name, Kasuragi Shiori, who came from a well-to-do family and exploited her family riches. She was to be wed to Keiji, who went by the name of Kasuragi Hiroyuki. It had taken her a long time to get used to her new name, never knowing to respond when addressed. But they were to stay at a lakeside resort at Lake Biwan and await their target, who was man with different coloured eyes. It was interesting to try and live a lifestyle she was not used to living, even if it was all just a show. It was a paid chance to have a long overdue holiday and Ami didn't mind it. They would have already spent a week at the resort and she was already somewhat getting used to all the luxuries that were thrown at her.

    So that was how rich people lived...

    She wondered if she would be able to do this every day for the rest of her life. In the core, the girl was a shinobi so she would probably go crazy if she had to live like this. The girl would find her and Keiji lounging by the pool with a pina colada in hand. She was also not used to drinking anything that was not peach blossom sake but sadly the resort didn't offer it on their menu. Taking a sip she would think about what she wanted to do for the day. She considered what he said about the sushi place. Although she was not a fan of sushi, she would agree to go for his sake. Ami didn't enjoy raw food but if her love wanted it, she wasn't at all opposed to the idea. "Sure, we can go if you want." she would smile at him, still trying to get used to his disguise. His jet black hair was replaced with a tint of red and he had blue eyes that matched hers. She would look up lovingly into his eyes, really starting to like the disguise they both had on.

    WC: 575/2400

    Posts : 140

    To Run a Foul. (Group Mission) Empty Re: To Run a Foul. (Group Mission)

    Post by Keiji Sun Aug 02, 2020 7:24 pm

    Moving from his relaxed position slightly, he would take a drink of his beverage before he quickly closed the distance between himself and Shiori. Moving into her space to kiss her passionately and slowly, he would place his left hand on the small of her back as his right hand cupped the right side of her face. He was supposed to be selling their cover as newly weds, and that was just fine for him as it wasn't just a cover in his own mind. When he finally pulled away he would look her in the eyes and smile softly as he spoke, "Shiori... You are the greatest thing to ever happen in my life and what I cherish the most, and I will spend every day of our life together showing you how much you mean to me.", looking at her softly he would blush a little after he spoke before he got back up and adjusted himself, finding a waist pouch that he had kept near them, and placing it on himself. He had used it since they started this trip, and to everyone else its where they kept their money to pay for the things they purchased, as well as the cards for their room. They both wore their swimming clothes almost exclusively to blend in as best as possible so it was useful as it also held two kunai in the pouches false bottom, meaning as long as they were together they were armed.

    Turning to face her he spoke again, "Lets go exploring my love! There is still so much to see here.", using his eyes as counter to his words he would dart them a few times towards the lazy river area and a new group of men loading things into a bungalow in the far distance. As maybe they would get lucky and this was finally the man they sought. If not, the sushi place was that way anyways and he was getting hungry thanks to the alcohol. Offering his right hand to her he would beam again as he looked into her eyes and spoke with excitement, "Come on!", if she took his hand or not, he would begin moving off towards the lazy river area and the far bungalows and shopping areas on the other side of the area moving slowly so he could passively study the face of everyone they walked by, but also so that it seemed he was engrossed in the sights of the area with wonder in his eyes. The people here were definitely high class and flaunted it with their wanton frivolity. It was disturbing and immoral and utterly disgusting to him, but he had the part to play still and wouldn't let it show.

    As they got closer to the lazy river area the shopping center there was massive and had so many more shops then even the village itself as it was bustling and booming with all of the tourism here. The street vendors were making all sorts of wonderful delicacies from all over the world and the smells alone were intoxicating. An audible rumble would echo from Keiji's stomach as he blushed and looked utterly embarrassed, "Oh my... How unbecoming, I apologize my love!", he didn't really care but he had a part to play and this meant that he had to seem like appearance was everything like his cover would. Bounding off towards a vendor making yakitori chicken with teriyaki glazing he would order two and hand over some ryo from the pouch before sealing it again, and handing one of the sticks to Shiori, "This smells so good and looks so delicious!", taking a bite of his he would let out an audible moan signifying it truly was an amazing piece of chicken that he had bitten into.
    Hyūga Ami
    Hyūga Ami

    Posts : 492
    To Run a Foul. (Group Mission) Webp-net-resizeimage-16

    To Run a Foul. (Group Mission) Empty Re: To Run a Foul. (Group Mission)

    Post by Hyūga Ami Mon Aug 03, 2020 8:51 am

    To Run a Foul. (Group Mission) XlLiEJU

    The kiss he gave was always so loving, so sweet, that even though they were both disguised, she felt the ingenuity behind it as he moved in to kiss her. A blush would form over her cheeks while she did so, again not used to such public displays of affection, even though nobody recognized them. It just went to say that it wasn't about the looks of a person that would change them, but their mindsets. As the couple pulled away from one another, Ami would look into Keiji's blue eyes, taken in by the new colour and wait for him to finish his sentence before giving him a smile, her eyes speaking the words she did not say out loud. She was never a girl for words, especially not sweet words, as she didn't believe that love was measured by how well one spoke. Ami merely nodded her head, accepting the fact that Keiji was a man who spoke his mind, the blush still remaining on her face while she took another sip of her pina colada. It would take her some getting used to, perhaps, having never received loving words of any kind from anyone before.

    At the suggestion of going out to explore, she would nod her head again, smiling a little at his child-like nature. Even though they were disguised as someone else, she could see that a lot of Keiji's own personality wouldn't change, a fun fact to her. The girl had a hard time walking around in a swimming suit, not used to such ways of dress even when everyone else around her seemed to not mind and not care. The couple would walk and then stop, the Hyuuga quickly catching on to what Keiji was saying as he mentioned some offhanded comment about there being so much more to see. His eyes told her everything, her own glancing over at the group of men that she knew he had spotted. "Sure, I'm a little hungry any way," she would chirp a little too happily perhaps, trying to not talk the way she usually talked. A part of her disguise, she supposed. It was hard to play another person, to have to take on a different personality and way of speaking. But at the same time it was pretty fun. A new experience for a young shinobi, and she was glad to have Keiji there with her.

    The smell of food filled the air as she looked around at the many vendors selling little treats to hungry travelers. The unmasked grumble from Keiji's stomach told her that he was also hungry, giggling a little as he apologized. For what reason she wouldn't know. Ami watched him pay for some yakitori, one of her favourite foods. There was something about watching someone eat that she secretly enjoyed, her eyes never leaving him while he ate. There was some sort of childishness in the way people ate, especially when they were hungry and her love was no different. She would take a bite out of her own, the aroma of the charcoal and the tangy terriyaki sauce over the juicy meat just right. Her stomach was happy as she ate the yakitori, her own childish smile unconsciously appearing on her face. People often told her she looked cute when she ate, always smiling and visibly showing people just how good the food was with her facial expressions. As she polished off the last piece of chicken on the skewer, she would look around, her eyes looking for the next food item. It rested on some takoyaki, or octopus balls and her eyes lit up. Pointing to the stand, she would say excitedly to Keiji, "I want some of that!" it was like a child seeing candy at a candy store, her mouth watering as she looked at the vendor cooking takoyaki.

    WC: 1220/2400

    Posts : 140

    To Run a Foul. (Group Mission) Empty Re: To Run a Foul. (Group Mission)

    Post by Keiji Wed Aug 05, 2020 2:27 am

    The moment was truly marvelous to be shared with his love as Shiori took a bite of the yakitori and also seemed to be overly enthused about it! This was a truly good idea and was panning out to be a great afternoon. As they indulged in the amazing texture and flavor of the chicken and had finished their skewers, Ami pointed out that another delectable treat stand was nearby that had takoyaki! A personal favorite of his anyways so of course they would go to eat it. Looking sheepishly at the cart and back to his love he would speak softly at almost a murmur, "I would love to eat some takoyaki... its my favorite.", walking towards the cart slowly he inhaled deeply before proceeding to order two baskets of balls which were served in sets of three with a classic takoyaki sauce drizzled over it.

    Handing one to Shiori and keeping one for himself he would grab some disposable wooden chopsticks and hand her a pair before walking off to the side a little and leaning against a building in the nearby alleyway, "I absolutely love takoyaki A-Shiori...", his eyes looked to be filled with childlike wonder as he stared at the meal before him and brought the chopsticks down towards the first of the three large baseball sized takoyaki. Gripping it with just the right amount of pressure he slowly lifted it up to his lips and bit down into the perfectly fried ball of absolutely amazing and delicious flavor. The sauce and the meat and the filling just bursting in his mouth as he shook a little from how amazing it was for him. he had now found his favorite eating spot for the rest of their vacation here.

    Slowly finishing the first ball he had actually positioned himself where he was so he could subtlety watch the bungalow and the men that were moving the goods inside. Paying close attention to each of their faces and what he could see being moved that wasn't completely obscured by the cloth draped over the various crates and luggage and other items being loaded inside to the large bungalow that was clearly meant for a plethora of guests. Taking note of the weapons that were poorly concealed through the clothing of the men carrying the items, he would begin eating his second ball and speak gently, "Shiori.... you shouldn't conceal anything from me, it could be dangerous to our future together. You should always be upfront with me, and unload whatever is on your mind, okay?", he made a point to emphasis certain words as he spoke, hoping she would understand the code he was using to describe what he was looking at.

    WC: 1697/2400
    PC: 3/6
    Hyūga Ami
    Hyūga Ami

    Posts : 492
    To Run a Foul. (Group Mission) Webp-net-resizeimage-16

    To Run a Foul. (Group Mission) Empty Re: To Run a Foul. (Group Mission)

    Post by Hyūga Ami Wed Aug 05, 2020 9:16 am

    To Run a Foul. (Group Mission) XlLiEJU

    Ami let out a soft chuckle as she watched Keiji eat his takoyaki, like a child enjoying his favourite snack. It was nice to see this side of him, a rare sight from the hunter nin. He was always so serious, so calculating and so filled with emotion that this was a refreshing sight. In many ways, they shared similarities and yet were vastly different. He was more spontaneous, daring, somewhat crude and bold, and yet behind that air of confidence lay weakness that only Ami had seen. She was more vulnerable, weak, emotional and serious, and behind all that met the eye was a strong, cold, collected and even vicious woman. It was interesting their pairing, but not entirely unbelievable. Ami reflected for a moment about herself, wondering if she had been unfair to Keiji, for not revealing her true personality to him. He had seen her fight and would know to some extent that the frail and always ill-stricken, wounded kunoichi was in fact nothing like the air she gave off. She had toyed with her enemies, watched as they suffered without so much as a tiny bit of guilt.

    A little scary...admittedly.

    She would take one of her own takoyaki and take a bite, the mixture of the tangy sauce and the mayonnaise creating the best harmony with the fried dough that made up the outside of the ball. It was no wonder people liked this snack, a savory dish that could be enjoyed at any time of day and anywhere, as shown by the two of them eating out in the middle of the street. Ami was also very fond of octopus, the chewy texture matching well with the crispy coating around it. She would smile at her love, an equally childish smile as she tried not to burn her tongue with the hot snack. Although she was probably not as fond of it as Keiji was, she enjoyed the three takoyaki he bought her and was very much satisfied as they made their way down the street, their destination having never left the men that they had seen moments before. She wondered if their target would be there, as well as what sort of reason they would have to assassinate the man in the first place.

    Ami didn't know how to respond to Keiji's not-so-discreet remark, which seemed fitting and yet not so in their given situation. She only nodded her head, her eyes glancing left and right at the men. They were indeed slightly more careless than she had imagined, which begged the question whether they were all that smart in the first place. The girl was still in-character as she gazed into Keiji's eyes, trying to communicate just through their eyes instead of speaking. In a way she would hope that his offhanded remark would not reach the ears of any of the men since it would seem rather odd for them to speaking about such a serious topic for no real reason. Their eyes would be locked into one another's for a good minute, her head shaking a little as though to warn him not to say any more..

    WC: 1747/2400

    Posts : 140

    To Run a Foul. (Group Mission) Empty Re: To Run a Foul. (Group Mission)

    Post by Keiji Thu Aug 06, 2020 2:48 am

    Looking towards Shiori he would nod silently alerting her he understood and in the same motion he would finish what was left of his takoyaki and dispose of it nearby, moving towards the bungalow now with a lighthearted motion as he spoke again to Shiori but this time about things that would be considered small talk or non essential, more or less causing nearby ears to divert elsewhere, "So I am thinking, we should have the house outfitted with a chef, dear. What do you think? Maybe we could buy one of the vendors here? Father says buying people's services is usually fairly easy~", the small talk had turned to a snobbish remark to further mask themselves as rich and elite clientele and thus assholes and not worthy of others energy. Particularly saying father as to signify that money did not come from himself but his family.

    This seemed to work as for when they got closer none of the movers were paying any attention to them at all due to the snobby and ridiculous conversation pieces he had used. All the while Keiji was paying the utmost attention to them, they all were armed with hatchets well hidden in their belt line or jackets except to his trained eye. Their suits and the hatchets signifying to him that these men must be a part of the triad and were either a tong or the branch of one. Just what exactly was Sato involved in if in fact these men belonged to him? As they approached close e ough to the bungalow to see all of the happenings, the last box was unloaded from the truck that had driven up, and it was sent on it's way.

    The men carried the box shifted awkwardly for but a moment causing the cloth to slip a little revealing that the metal crate held what looked like weapons inside of various types. They must have stumbled onto a weapon smuggling operation or a future sale! Maybe that's why the village wanted him dead? Either way it was enough for Keiji to quickly grab Shiori and duck against a nearby building and begin making out with her passionately for a moment until he was sure there were no eyes on them, and then speak softly and quietly, "There are weapons in those crates and those men are clearly tried members... which is odd considering we are so close to Yakuza territory... I really want to get inside that practically compound sized bungalow.... Do you see anyone inside?", he knew it was a lot to ask of her to perceive through the walls, but he also knew that they had to be sure first before they could strike.

    WC: 2150
    PC: 4/6
    Hyūga Ami
    Hyūga Ami

    Posts : 492
    To Run a Foul. (Group Mission) Webp-net-resizeimage-16

    To Run a Foul. (Group Mission) Empty Re: To Run a Foul. (Group Mission)

    Post by Hyūga Ami Thu Aug 06, 2020 9:00 am

    To Run a Foul. (Group Mission) XlLiEJU

    Keiji's words unnerved her a little, even though she knew he was only acting out a part. It wasn't what he said that unsettled her, it was how he said it, the way he talked about buying a vendor off the streets to be their chef was not something that a clans member of notable background would ever say. In some ways she had to praise him for his acting, knowing that he was only doing and saying these things to throw off even the slightest suspicions towards them. Ami would keep the smile on her face and nod her head to his words, not offering so much as a comment. She knew herself well enough to realize that whatever it was she would blurt out would probably blow their cover. So she bit her tongue and merely smiled meekly at her love as he continued to speak. They would make their way closer to the men, Keiji amiably talking nonsense while both their eyes seemed to be elsewhere, keenly looking in on the action without making it seem too obvious.

    When she saw the last crate being loaded, she was almost certain that the boxes contained some kind of weapons that were to be used either for sale or for some malice. And her suspicions would be confirmed as the man who carried the box had let a little part of it peek through, just enough for both shinobi to see some of its contents. Keiji would pull her to a nearby building, his lips pressed against hers rather forcefully as they shared a kiss. It was another show and the motion itself was enough for her to know this. Although taken aback, Ami was aware what he was doing and listened intently to what he had to say. At least their minds were at the same place, as the girl had wanted to check out the mysterious bungalow since first laying eyes on it. "We'll just have to find out..." Ami activated her kekkei gekkai quietly, the veins appearing around her eyes as she once again looked in the direction of the men and the bungalow.

    She could see the chakra systems of the men that were unloading the crates from before, using telescopic vision would be able to narrow her pinpoint and focus to just the bungalow. It seemed that there were people inside, as she tried to count the number of chakra signatures she could find, From what she could tell there were at least two men standing guard near the entrance and then two men a little further inside of the bungalow. "We got ourselves at least four inside..." she whispered, trying to see if she could find anymore. "What do you think we should do? We probably don't want to drag this one out too long since we're in some dangerous territories." Her tone had shifted, the once warm and delicate woman was observant and serious as she weighed the different possibilities, remembering the last mission they shared together when they almost died because they enjoyed the fighting aspect of it too much,
    WC: 2266/2400

    Posts : 140

    To Run a Foul. (Group Mission) Empty Re: To Run a Foul. (Group Mission)

    Post by Keiji Thu Aug 06, 2020 10:53 am

    She was the perfect woman for him and the more they did together the more he recognized it. See when a Tsuyoiito married it was expected their spouse would go with them in their bounties, and in doing so they would have the perfect partner to carry out their duty with. After everything they had been through so far he knew she was exactly what he wanted and who he needed at his side for the rest of his days. She operated like him, she thought like him to an extent, and she fought like him - brutal and efficient, even with her penchant for torture which he saw nothing wrong with. Death came to all who fought against the system usually, and they generally deserved it and everything that led up to it, not to mention the necessity of torturing some to find out what is needed.

    Attempting to pull her close again, there would be a fiery passion in his eyes that could only be described as concern and passion mixed together. Speaking softly he would be stern with her for probably the first time in a awhile, "I don't want to do this like last time... no unnecessary movements from either of us. The bungalow is paid through the next couple days and I would love to actually relax with you even if we cant be seen yet. I never want to operate without you again, you are the perfect partner you know?", he would smile near the end briefly before returning to the persona he had adopted for his roll and went to playfully look through his fanny pack for a moment as he spoke loudly about giving her some money to go shopping with.

    Retrieving a few of the more rare higher value paper Bill's versus their coinage, he would lay them on top of and below one of the two kunai, making it seem like a large stack of bills when it was in fact a concealment method to pass himself the weapon and have her take the fanny pack, knowing she didnt really have a heading place for a kunai with her current attire. His hair would lightly snake down from his back as it grabbed a hold of the kunai stealthily and scooped it up behind his back into his nest of hair on the top of his head. Winking to her he would laugh again and give her some of the bill's back before sliding what he left for himself into his left pocket. He had shown her previously how to retrieve the kunai from the false bottom of the fanny back by sliding the bottom backing to either side, and so this way she could become armed when she needed to be.

    He would do a head nod gesture towards the back of the bungalow where there were some people gathered around their own units and so they could casually slip over that way without being suspicious. Walking with a purposeful clueless gait, he would lead her to the furthest part of the bamboo walls that went around each of the compound style bungalows, and stop as he looked around to confirm that either no one was looking or that he couldnt see a soul, before surging chakra to his feet and scaling the ten foot wall with ease, jumping onto the roof almost silently as he rolled forward and up it to its top, crouching low and prone as he crawled his way towards a skylight that gave him a view inside the building. If Ami had followed he would speak low, "We should wait until we see him, but if we stay low we should go unnoticed for a long time I think.", the roof was interesting in design as it slipped upwards and then had an incline that led to a slightly sloped flatter surface that was at one point intended as rooftop party space no doubt, however it seemed that management had closed off access to guests for this space as the door that led up here had been welded shut. Their were small drainage slopes through the roof like internal gutter channels but otherwise it's like they were hidden from prying eyes in their own little ravine made by the unique roof shape, which was no doubt intended to be made as private walls and such, who new what certain clientele could get up to. Waiting he would peet down into the skylight from a concealed angle as he looked into the main living space below hoping Sato would appear.

    WC: Met
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    Hyūga Ami
    Hyūga Ami

    Posts : 492
    To Run a Foul. (Group Mission) Webp-net-resizeimage-16

    To Run a Foul. (Group Mission) Empty Re: To Run a Foul. (Group Mission)

    Post by Hyūga Ami Thu Aug 06, 2020 9:36 pm

    To Run a Foul. (Group Mission) XlLiEJU

    Ami listened to Keiji's words, her heart tightening slightly the more passion and love he gave her. She looked away for a brief second, her mind in a daze. He didn't want to operate without her anymore, meaning that he valued her to be a part of his life more so than before. It was sweet and should give her the comfort and safety she had longed in a relationship. But her heart wavered, with mixed emotions she would try to avoid his gaze and giving her response. The girl was never one for sweet words, and he should know this by now. Instead she shifted her body slightly, her eyes looking to the ground. Ami didn't want to give off the wrong impression or create conflict between them, but merely would not look at him as she focused on the bungalow, her kekkei gekkai trying pick up on any other activity inside.

    Taking his fanny pack, she would give a small smile. He was always prepared, much more prepared than she was when they were on missions. She was a little less enthused about having to fight in her current attire but she had no choice. The young woman would remember what he had taught her before for retrieving the secret weapons. At least she would be slightly armed, although she had hoped to use her own weapon pouch. The placements of her weapons in her pouch had become such a habit for her that she no longer needed to look inside to grab the right weapon at the right time. With Keiji's, she would have to familiarize herself with what was inside. It wasn't hard to do and she was grateful that he had offered the pouch to her and had taken some kunai wrapped in some paper bills for himself.

    Ami would follow him as he made his way to the bungalow. She would quickly form the string of handseals needed for her step of the wind jutsu to allow herself to take to the roof of the building, following Keiji's lead. It was an intricate design, the bungalow, but the two of them would find the skylight inside. Seeing as she was using her Byakugan she would shift her body carefully to the right to allow him to see, her own eyes catching the chakra systems of the people inside without having to actually look into the bungalow. The girl nodded her head at what he suggested. "I think I see him..." she would whisper, her eyes narrowing as she saw their target's signature, moving towards where the skylight would pick up the top of his head moments later. She would put a hand on Keiji's arm. "Be careful...." she warned seriously, remembering how he had badly injured himself in their previous mission.
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    Posts : 140

    To Run a Foul. (Group Mission) Empty Re: To Run a Foul. (Group Mission)

    Post by Keiji Mon Aug 10, 2020 1:22 pm

    Nodding to her at the mention of whom must be their target he would peek over the skylight once more and visually identify him with his own eyes before gently lifting the skylight up and moving the propping stand to hold it in place. Moving to whisper into her ear back in cover he would be soft and sweet with his words, "No worries my love, I wouldn't ruin our chances at a real vacation. Fast and quick, though while most of the thugs are outside. Including him it looks like there is four inside so lets get a drop on them and end this quickly? Still have plenty of food places to try here don't we?", after he finished speaking into her ear he would kiss her cheek softly before winking at her and eyeballing two of the three guards.

    Leaping through the window he would pull the kunai from its hiding spot and use the samurai sabre technique to manifest a large bladed shape from it, turning it into a odachi length blade in an instant, with a rotating sawblade like edge. Landing on top of the first guard he would plunge the blade into his skull and rip forwards with a tumble that allowed him to cleave the second guard directly in two, as Keiji landed with a roll past him. Hopefully Ami had taken care of her guard and the target as he rose to his feet.
    Hyūga Ami
    Hyūga Ami

    Posts : 492
    To Run a Foul. (Group Mission) Webp-net-resizeimage-16

    To Run a Foul. (Group Mission) Empty Re: To Run a Foul. (Group Mission)

    Post by Hyūga Ami Mon Aug 10, 2020 10:28 pm

    To Run a Foul. (Group Mission) XlLiEJU

    Ami couldn't help but smile as she listened to Keiji. She always found it somewhat surprising the gap between his serious and not-so serious side. She remembered how she had been drawn to his seriousness when they first met, captivated by how hardworking and talented the man was. And now, it seemed as though he had relaxed enough that through it all he would still find the time and space to show her affection. She only wish he would tone it down a little...she would not tell him this though. It was unlike anyone she had encountered before in her life, the feelings and emotions every word and look he gave brought to her so foreign and strange. Ami was a simple person, who believed in the idea that when you were called to be serious, then you would be just that, nothing else.

    This balance Keiji was showing her unnerved her just a little...

    The girl would not dwell on this as she focused her attention back to the target. She agreed that it was probably best to make this quick and painless, her mind already going through the techniques in her repertoire so that she could find one for easy submission. As her love would drop from the skylight first, she would follow closely, her hand reaching to grab a kunai. She would throw the kunai directly at the forehead of one of the men, while her attention turned to their target. She formed quick handseals as she landed on the ground, a water whip forming from her hand to wrap around the man. Ami brought him close, another kunai in her vacant hand as she slashed him in the neck. It was a simple combination, one that she enjoyed using when she was without her katana. Ami would turn to look at Keiji, a small smile forming on her lips as she saw that he too seemed to be having no difficulty at all.

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    Posts : 140

    To Run a Foul. (Group Mission) Empty Re: To Run a Foul. (Group Mission)

    Post by Keiji Wed Aug 12, 2020 10:22 pm

    Their target and the guards now dead, in quick and sublime fashion, he would move into her space and speak causally the bodies of the fallen enemy around them, "Shall we? I have something to ask you I think I won't stumble this time.", he would wink at her before using the step of the wind jutsu twice to take himself upwards through the skylight, waiting for her to join him before closing it gently and stealthily leaving the area towards their own bungalow. He had something to say... but this would be a topic for another time!
    Hyūga Ami
    Hyūga Ami

    Posts : 492
    To Run a Foul. (Group Mission) Webp-net-resizeimage-16

    To Run a Foul. (Group Mission) Empty Re: To Run a Foul. (Group Mission)

    Post by Hyūga Ami Thu Aug 13, 2020 6:58 am

    "Shall we? I have something to ask you I think I won't stumble this time."

    Ami would nod her head, the bodies of their target and his guards littered on the ground. Now that their mission was finished, the girl would deactivate her kekkei gekkai so that her normal vision would be restored before falling Keiji using the exact same technique as he did to climb back out of the bungalow from the skylight. He had something to ask her? The Hyuugan would be more than just slightly confused but seeing as he didn't offer any other explanation nor ask the question that plagued his mind Ami decided it was best that she simply left it until he thought was the right timing.
    WC: 2400+

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