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    Weaponry/Bukijutsu Guide


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    Weaponry/Bukijutsu Guide Empty Weaponry/Bukijutsu Guide

    Post by Admin Thu May 16, 2019 7:11 pm

    SG Guide | Weaponry/Bukijutsu Guide

    Bukijutsu Specialty Path

    -D-Rank Jutsu:
    Buying this skill point allows you to create, learn and use D-Rank Jutsu utilizing the Bukijutsu specialty. Once this has been bought you may now create and use these jutsu in any future topic created after buying this skill point. You may buy this point at C-Rank or higher.

    -C-Rank Jutsu:
    Buying this skill point allows you to create, learn and use C-Rank Jutsu utilizing the Bukijutsu specialty. Once this has been bought you may now create and use these jutsu in any future topic created after buying this skill point. You may buy this point at C-Rank or higher as long as you have purchased the points before this one.

    -Stamina Increase:
    Buying this skill point increases your total stamina pool by 5 Stamina for each point you have purchased in this path. Upon buying this point your stamina is automatically increased by 15, 5 for the three points already purchased. Then for every point you buy after this you gain another 5 stamina, passively increasing your stamina as you move up this path. You may buy this point at C-Rank or higher as long as you have purchased the points before this one.

    -B-Rank Jutsu:
    Buying this skill point allows you to create, learn and use B-Rank Jutsu utilizing the Bukijutsu specialty. Once this has been bought you may now create and use these jutsu in any future topic created after buying this skill point. You may buy this point at C-Rank or higher as long as you have purchased the points before this one.

    Buying this skill allows you to create styles for your bukijutsu techniques and your weapons. A style allows you to create a set of unique moves, stances or abilities to work off of each other, acting as a sort of tool kit for a play style. These styles can be utilized with any of your weapons or bukijutsu jutsu. Styles are further explained in the style guide.

    -A-Rank Jutsu:
    Buying this skill point allows you to create, learn and use A-Rank Jutsu utilizing the Bukijutsu specialty. Once this has been bought you may now create and use these jutsu in any future topic created after buying this skill point. You may buy this point at B-Rank or higher as long as you have purchased the points before this one.

    -Chakra Infusion:
    Buying this skill allows you to create chakra infused weapons with your elemental affinty. Weapons created without this perk can not channel chakra, thus preventing them from having elemental or chakra based abilities. They can still be used as mediums for performing jutsu though. Once this perk is bought however, you can create or infuse preexisting weapons with your own chakra, upgrading them from normal weapons into weapons with elemental or chakra based abilities. These can then be used without needing a jutsu to be preformed. Examples can be a blade made of fire, or a knife that shocks on contact. You may buy this point at B-Rank or higher as long as you have purchased the points before this one.  

    -S-Rank Jutsu:
    Buying this skill point allows you to create, learn and use S-Rank Jutsu utilizing the Bukijutsu specialty. Once this has been bought you may now create and use these jutsu in any future topic created after buying this skill point. You may buy this point at A-Rank or higher as long as you have purchased the points before this one.

    -Legendary Weapon:
    Buying this skill lets you craft your very own custom legendary weapon. You can app and customize your very own legendary weapon with unique abilities and techniques attached to it. Legendary weapons can be found below and further explained.

    Types of Items
    Here on SG we have split up our items into three groups, each with their own ability grouping and use. While all three of these fall under the item group, item ruling and the bukijutsu specialty, they are separated to add better clarification to the types of items that can be used.

    Weapons are simple to understand, and is any item that is designed to deal damage, injury or kill an opponent. The most common form takes the shape of swords, knives, or other bladed items, however a weapon can be anything that is created with the primary intention of harming someone else.

    An item is anything that is used by a shinobi but is not exactly created with the intention of harming others. This can be medical gear, potions, tools or items that better assist a shinobi in combat. While something can be used in a make shift fashion to harm someone, these items are not created in a way that they are designed to harm anyone.

    A piece of gear is something that is worn or attached to a shinobi that often makes things easier in combat. This includes articles of clothing or armor. Things like gloves, weapon storage containers or other things that are worn on the body fall into this category. If the item is designed to harm, such as spiked gloves, this would fall under weapons instead of gear.

    Sizes of Items
    In addition to types of items we also have item sizes that help restrict the amount of items someone is allowed to go into combat with. While there is no limit to how many items anyone can own, there is a limit to the amount they can wear on them in a given battle. During a combat topic it is required that you post your current load out for that topic in your signature, using these item sizes to help determine what you are allowed to have on you.

    Tiny items are things that are very small and easily contained on the body. While these things can vary in type and use, they normally only weigh a couple of grams and often come in sets of multiple. These can be worn just about anywhere on the body and do not take up much space at all. Tiny items do not normally deal any damage, and if they do it is not enough to even be noticed. Anybody can have up to thirty tiny items on them, and they do not conflict with any other item size.

    Small items are things that take up just enough space to have their own slot, and wearing to many of them can be a burden. Small items are able to deal damage now and are useful in combat situations. These are still small enough to be hidden on the body but now need something to stash them in or attach them to the body. These can be knives, daggers, kunai and shuriken or other related items. Small items normally have a short reach or range and are better at close range combat. 3 small items equal 1 medium item.

    Medium items are your bread and butter item, and make up most of a shinobi's arsenal. This are items such as vest, swords, packs or other everyday ninja tool. They are large enough that they can not be concealed and are normally stored in some type of container or harness on the body. Medium weapons are useful for close to mid range combat and is perfect for taking both offensive and defensive actions. 2 medium items equal 1 large item, meaning 6 small items, or 1 medium and 3 small items also equal a large item.

    Large items are normally just bigger versions of a medium item, have larger reach or better abilities. While they can be super effective in combat they are also heavy and hard to wield. They can not be concealed or hidden and are always visible on the body, and often need a container or harness to attach them to the body. These items can be anything from giant claymores, big pieces of armor or other large weapons. Most launchers and mechanism based weapons fall under this size due to their weight. These weapons normally have the largest range but can sometimes be clunky or bulky.

    Non-Gear items:
    -C-Rank: Can go into battle with 2 Large items (or any combination of items to equal)
    -B-Rank: Can go into battle with 3 Large items (or any combination of items to equal)
    -A-Rank: Can go into battle with 4 Large items (or any combination of items to equal)
    -S-Rank: Can go into battle with 5 Large items (or any combination of items to equal)

    Sizes of Gear

    -Light Gear:
    Light gear is light weight items often made out of cloth or fabric and has no protective properties. This is normal cloaks, capes, normal articles of clothing, and other things that people would just normally wear. This can be item holders or bags used to store gear, or things like gloves and shoes. Light Gear is used for utility and can provide supplemental types of effects while in battle, but can not protect one from actual damage. Two pieces of Light gear equal one piece of Medium Gear.

    -Light gear has no defensive capabilities.

    -Medium Gear:
    Medium Gear is slightly heavier than light gear but also can now provide some sort of protection when worn in battle. Medium gear are things made out of thicker fabric, leather or items inlaid with small amounts of metal. This includes flak jackets, armor, gauntlets and other items used to protect an area of the body. Two pieces of Medium Gear equal one piece of Heavy Gear.

    -Medium Gear can take 2 attacks from something of lower rank before it is useless.
    -Medium Gear can take 1 attack from something of equal rank before it is useless.
    -Medium Gear can not protect from anything of higher rank.

    -Heavy Gear:
    Heavy Gear is just that, heavy and bulky, but able to provide good protection to that area of the body. Heavy gear is normally made of thick fabrics or metals, and can be anything from armor, to vest, gloves and helmets. It is designed to protect, as that is the only thing it is good at, and has little utility properties. While heavy gear is good form defense, it comes with a slight weakness, due to it being so heavy, anyone wearing a piece of Heavy Gear has their MPP reduced by one for each piece you are wearing.

    -Heavy Gear can take 3 attacks from something of lower rank before it is useless.
    -Heavy Gear can take 2 attacks from something of equal rank before it is useless.
    -Heavy Gear can take 1 attack from something of higher rank before it is useless.

    Gear items:
    -C-Rank: Can go into battle with 1 Heavy Gear (or any combination of items to equal)
    -B-Rank: Can go into battle with 2 Heavy Gear (or any combination of items to equal)
    -A-Rank: Can go into battle with 3 Heavy Gear (or any combination of items to equal)
    -S-Rank: Can go into battle with 4 Heavy Gear (or any combination of items to equal)

    Gear Slots:
    When creating a piece of Gear you must indicate which part of the body it is intending to cover. We have created Gear slots to help determine which part the piece of gear is for to make creating gear simpler and smoother. There are 10 gear slots, the Head, Chest, left and right arm, left and right leg, left and right hands, left and right feet. Some items that are worn on both sides, such as gloves or boots, will take up both side of their slots, such as both left hands. A slot can not hold more than one item, so you can not have two pieces of gear on the head for example.

    Abilities, Functions and Chakra Infusion:
    Here on SG we have broken down the things a weapon or item can do into two categories. These are Basic functions and chakra abilities. The rank of a weapon is handled a bit different here than on other sites, and normally has nothing to do with its damage output or how dangerous it is. The rank of a weapon dictates its overall function, range of use and any abilities that it may have. Because of this anyone may create, use or wield items and weapons, even if they do not have bukijutsu. The skill that comes with wielding that item is different though, as some of its abilities and features can only be used by a bukijutsu expert.

    Most items and weapons are just simple tools that do mundane things, like cut, stab or block attacks. The powerful asset of the bukijutsu specialty is being able to use jutsu that effect or compliment your item, giving it supernatural abilities and techniques that the item may not normally be able to do on its own. While most items are simple in nature, high level users are able to move beyond this limit and can channel their chakra into a weapon, giving the item itself unique properties and abilities out side of jutsu.

    A function of an item is the basic use of that item without any outside interference or addition of chakra. This is the everyday use of an item or weapon that makes it useful and allows it to stand out above the others. Examples of a function are the sharp edges on a sword that allow it to cut, the pointy end of a kunai that allows it to stab, A backpack that allows you to store items or a vest that can protect the chest from blades. Items do not have a set limit of slots for functions, as most items can be used for various things and often have multiple uses. When an item is graded it will be given its rank based on the usefulness of its function or the complexity of the item. Those without bukijutsu as a specialty can really only use these items for their normal functions. However those with points in the specialty path can use jutsu with their items to create unique a new features.

    Abilities are different from functions in the sense that they are chakra enhanced passives or activations of that item and no longer require a jutsu to use that ability. There is a wide variety of abilities that can belong on a weapon, however the extent of those abilities relies on the rank of the weapon and the skill level of the person using that item. Only those with atleast one point in the bukijutsu skill path can add abilities to their weapons, and those abilities must be non elemental abilities. This allows the user to implant some of their own chakra into the weapon to activate or use the ability. Below is a list of how many abilities an item can have on it based on its rank.
    -C-Rank: Can have 1 non-elemental ability.
    -B-Rank: Can have 2 non-elemental abilities.
    -A-Rank: Can have 2 non-elemental abilities and 1 Elemental Ability.
    -S-Rank: Can have 2 non-elemental abilities and 2 Elemental Abilities.

    Chakra Infusion:
    Chakra infusion is the process of fusing your elemental affinity within a item or weapon giving it an elemental based ability. This can only be done if the chakra infusion specialty perk has been purchased, making this a rare and important ability for high ranked bukijutsu masters. The amount of elemental abilities that can be implemented onto a weapon is listed above in the ability list. The only difference between chakra infused abilities and normal abilities is that chakra infused can be elemental, giving it a wider range of uses. This is different than regular bukijutsu that can be used in conjunction with your items. While you need chakra infusion to use elemental based abilities on your weapon, you do not need it to add your element to bukijutsu.

    Legendary Weapons:
    Legendary Weapons are unique, rare and powerful items. There is only one item like this one, as it can not be mimicked or duplicated. Legendary items are normally named weapons and exclusive gear that is crafted by a skilled individual. They are said to be powerful items of history, belonging to some of the best and most skilled bukijutsu users in history. These items are not just legendary in their status but possess powerful effects to match their title.

    -All Legendary weapons are enchanted with a seal that allows the item to be teleported back into the owners possession. This instantly blinks the item back to the user as long as the item is within 60 meters from its owner. This can not be used as a boomerang effect to cause damage on its way back, as it is instantly returned through the seal to its owner.

    -Legendary Weapons get an additional ability slot, allowing the user to add one extra non-elemental or elemental ability to the item.

    -Legendary items are unique and named items, as such they can not be duplicated or recreated by another person. A certain Legendary item can not be possessed by no more than one owner at a given time.

    Item/Weapon Template

    Name: (The Name of the item or weapon.)
    Type: (Is it an item, weapon or piece of gear.)
    Size: (Is it Tiny, Small, Medium or Large.)
    Rank: (What rank is the item, D,C,B,A, or S.)

    Description: (Explain what the item looks like, where it can be stored/worn, generic info about the item.)
    Function: (Explain any functions the item may have.)
    Abilities: (Explain any abilities the item may have.)
    Status: (Is it open, village, clan or personal.)

    [b][u]Item/Weapon Template[/u][/b]



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