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    The Elegant and the Not-So... (Group Mission)

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    Hyūga Ami
    Hyūga Ami

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    The Elegant and the Not-So... (Group Mission) Webp-net-resizeimage-16

    The Elegant and the Not-So... (Group Mission) Empty Re: The Elegant and the Not-So... (Group Mission)

    Post by Hyūga Ami Wed Jun 10, 2020 2:14 am

    The Elegant and the Not-So... (Group Mission) BTSMWHv

    The green haired Hyuuga walked along the main streets of Gekkousatou, heading to one of her favourite places in the country. She was supposed to meet someone for a mission it seemed, and she was quite excited to meet someone new, at least she hoped. The girl stopped by one of the vendors selling some sweet snacks and bought some, knowing that she would probably be hungry later on since the meeting time was going to be late at night. It was going to be the first mission she had ever done at night. It would be almost five hours from now though, as she realized she had come out of her house earlier than expected.

    She made her way through the crowds of people bustling about at their own activities, thinking about what the mission was going to be. To be honest the Hyuuga was not really sure what they were going to do but that was her every time she was tasked with a mission. The girl would stop by a coffee shop and grabbed a cup of coffee, sitting there for hours on end, people watching. She always loved people watching, finding it insanely relaxing.

    Ami made her way to the lake, the meeting place, all the while thinking about who her partner or partners would be. She obviously had received very little information and what little information she got she had rightfully and truthfully forgotten. The girl would find a man sitting there by a self-made fire, with some fish and some weapons just lying around beside him. Could this possibly be her partner? The young woman would tread cautiously, slightly uneasy. "Hello..." she said in a quiet voice. Today she was wearing a dark blue dress with her katana sheathed around her waist and her weapon pouch strapped to her right knee.
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    Hyūga Ami
    Hyūga Ami

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    The Elegant and the Not-So... (Group Mission) Empty Re: The Elegant and the Not-So... (Group Mission)

    Post by Hyūga Ami Sat Jun 13, 2020 6:58 am

    The Elegant and the Not-So... (Group Mission) BTSMWHv

    Ami watched as her partner ate the fish, her eyebrow slightly raised.  He laid back, yet at the same time not so. She would take one of the fish he had left for her and chew on it in small elegant bites. She was not used to this camping style eating but she also didn't want to decline any good food. She struggled a little, noticing how the skin of the fish was just the right crisp and the meat tender. He was a good cook, she appreciated silently. She liked men who could cook, though grilling fish was probably not as difficult as she made it sound. Ami thanked him for the food, complimenting him on the fish, slightle embarrassed. "Thank you. That was really good!" She would give him a wide grin, the usual she gave in the presence of good food. A little childish was her expression as she swallowed the last bite.

    The girl listened to the mission details. She had once again joined in on a mission without any prior knowledge. by this point she was actually not surprised anymore. A bunch of bandits...that's not too bad, at least as a first impression. She agreed taking out the leader may be the most efficient yet difficult method but somehow from just looking at him, she had a sudden feeling of confidence. Realizing she hadn't yet introduced herself yet, she would quickly do so. "Hyuuga Ami, nice to meet you, Sojiro." She hoped he didn't mind her using his first name. She gave him a small smile and would now walk beside him. "So, if you don't mind me asking, what can you do? So I know what I'm working with. I'm a damned good medic and an even better taijutsu fighter." She heard him say. A medic and a taijutsu specialist? This was going to be interesting indeed.

    "My clan focuses on taijutsu so I guess I'm not too bad at that." She would say modestly. Ami didn't think she was some undefeated Taijutsu user, as she remembered her spar from not too long ago with a Kaguya. Besides she was more interested at what Sojiro could do.  She was also hoping to show him what she could do, which for the sake of this mission may truly be possible.
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    Hyūga Ami
    Hyūga Ami

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    The Elegant and the Not-So... (Group Mission) Empty Re: The Elegant and the Not-So... (Group Mission)

    Post by Hyūga Ami Sun Jun 14, 2020 5:00 am

    The Elegant and the Not-So... (Group Mission) BTSMWHv

    Ami couldn't and wouldn't mask her surprise as Sojiro talked about her clan. She hadn't known anyone who knew how her kekkei gekkai operated, unless they had previously sparred with her. So she guessed he had done just that, or seen the Byakugan in action at some point from another clan member. Most people in her village only knew the prestige behind her clan, which was highly overrated in her opinion. But she didn't say this obviously. The Hyuuga would continue to walk beside the man quietly, trying to figure him out. He was interesting, to say the least.

    They would come to an abrupt stop, her eyes shifting left and right. She wasn't sure what it was, as Sojiro would provide an answer moments later. The Hyuuga was once again surprised by his words, mainly because she was not sure what he meant. The girl had no time to ponder though as he told her there seemed to be eight of them. Ami would mutter to herself in a low whisper, activating her Byakugan. "Byakugan", her eyes instantly transitioning to reveal that he was correct, looking at the chakra points of the people around them. They were close to a campsite, she mused. As they inched closer together, they would see the tents and guards.

    "If I create a distraction, do you think you could sneak into that big tent and kill the leader and his bodyguard?" She would hear her partner ask. There would most likely be one bodyguard guarding the leader, while she counted the chakra paths that were outside the tent. But she would have to check for herself. Ami would nod, not at all sure if she was actually capable but she had little choice. The girl would start moving toeards the middle tent, where she was certain was where the leader was, given the size of the tent compared to the others. She only hoped Sojiro would help if things went horribly wrong.
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    Hyūga Ami
    Hyūga Ami

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    The Elegant and the Not-So... (Group Mission) Empty Re: The Elegant and the Not-So... (Group Mission)

    Post by Hyūga Ami Mon Jun 15, 2020 8:46 am

    The Elegant and the Not-So... (Group Mission) BTSMWHv

    Ami would move quietly around to the back of the tents as Sojiro stepped forward. She tiptoed past the first one, crouching down as to not stir the occupants inside. She made sure that no lighting inside would catch her shadow while she moved, taking each step carefully. By now she had heard all of Sojiro's not so convincing words of distraction, rolling her eyes at how unusually unconvincing he sounded, even to her. But she had no leisure for any mpre eavesdropping as she would step on a tree branch causing a crisp snapping sound to echo through the tents. Shit! The girl had to move fast, ducking behind the middle tent as a man who she assumed was the bodyguard would come out from the entrance.

    He moved to the back of the tent where the noise came from. Ami caught a glimpse of his katana as she played a little game of hide and seek around the tent, moving to the other side when he came close. Seeing him go around back to where she had been only a few seconds ago, the Hyuuga would draw her blade in one smooth motion, catching him off guard with an attack from behind. She wouldn't even wait to see if her attack connected before pouring her chakra out of her fingers for one of her gentle fist style jutsu. She moved in rapid motion, connecting her fingers to his arm that held his katana. While the man was confused she would take her own blade and bring it around his throat. She almost sliced his throat with elegance, bringing her blade forward and across. A clean cut.

    The Hyuuga would finish the job. By this point the leader would step out of the tent, seeing that his bodyguard hadn't yet returned. She would wait for him to come out back, her heart almost stopping in the process. She was probably going to jump him the same way she did the other man. but being the leader she assumed he wouldn't be easy to handle, at least not as easy as his henchman. Ami would briefly look towards Sojiro's direction, hoping he was doing alright.
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    Hyūga Ami
    Hyūga Ami

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    The Elegant and the Not-So... (Group Mission) Empty Re: The Elegant and the Not-So... (Group Mission)

    Post by Hyūga Ami Wed Jun 17, 2020 7:49 pm

    The Elegant and the Not-So... (Group Mission) BTSMWHv

    Ami would pay the price for the split second distraction, as she scanned to look for her partner. She had partially wanted to seek his help but also genuinely wanted to know his wellbeing. She felt a hand grab her by neck, choking and lifting her. The leader of the group had come around to see hos henchman dead, seen the green haired kunoichi and had grabbed her. She felt like a fish away from water as her airways restricted, feeling his grasp tighten. Ami dropped her blade, closing her eyes to concentrate, thinking of how to get out of the situation. As she tried to breathe, her hand maneuvered in her weapon pouch, grabbing a kunai.

    With a swift motion, she would cut his arm that was holding on, instantly freed from his grasp. She fell to the ground coughing and panting as she tried to fill her lungs with renewed air. She would stand up a little wobbly, her eyes never leaving the bandit. She picked up her katana, still weezing a little as she made her attack at him, a horizontal slash to his midsection. But he would prove to be quicker, having forseen the slash, he moved out of the way, grabbed her sword wielding wrist and twisted it. Her eyes widened as he grabbed her sword, his strength so much more than hers.

    She felt pain in her side and blood, which she deduced was her own, trickled to the ground. He had driven her katana into her body, letting go of her wrist as she fell to the ground. As though hit by lightning, Ami found she couldn't move, cold sweat trickling down her face as she paled. From what she felt, the penetration was deep in her left side, hot blood around her as she lay there. The bandit would move to deliver a final blow as she closed her eyes, praying Sojiro would come to help her.
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    Hyūga Ami
    Hyūga Ami

    Posts : 492
    The Elegant and the Not-So... (Group Mission) Webp-net-resizeimage-16

    The Elegant and the Not-So... (Group Mission) Empty Re: The Elegant and the Not-So... (Group Mission)

    Post by Hyūga Ami Wed Jun 17, 2020 10:00 pm

    The Elegant and the Not-So... (Group Mission) BTSMWHv

    Expecting the final blow, she had squeezed her eyes shut. A few seconds past and having felt nothing, she opened them again, and was surprised that Sojiro had answered her silent prayer and come to her rescue. She watched as her blade connected his shoulder, heard him give a menacing growl, and then attack the bandit. It all happened so fast that she was amazed. His skill as a combatant was excellent, far above that of her own. The girl watched as he delivered the final blow through the bandit's forehead. Not the most beautiful scene to greet the eyes but she knew it needed to be done. With now half opened eyes, she would feel him come over to her.

    "I-I'm sorry...I made you get hurt..." she would say with a weak whisper, feeling the warmth of his chakra on her wound. A skilled swordsman and an even better medic. Ami could feel her wound healing almost instantly, her body being able to move again. She slowly turned to face Sojiro, while still lying on the ground. "Thank you..." the girl wondered if he thought her bothersome, or even weak compared to him.
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